Posts tagged as:

Rosalind Krauss

This Week in Art Podcasts

by Whitney Kimball on June 27, 2012
Thumbnail image for This Week in Art Podcasts

What do people talk about when they’re not typing? What does Tyler Green’s voice sound like? This week, I listened to a handful of podcasts to find out.

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Wednesday Links!

by Paddy Johnson on October 19, 2011

  • This is amazing. Art Basel posts the transcripts for all exchanges that take place in their “Conversation” series. This one includes a conversation with Ai WeiWei and Philip Tinari from 2009, and a discussion on the future of museums with directors Marc Mayer, Timothy Rub, Osvaldo Sánchez, Philippe Vergne, Lynn Zelevansky. These documents need to be made into a book. [Art Basel]
  • Triple Candie produced an exhibition positing that the Arte Povera movement never existed, approved by its art fair venue at Artissima, and then cancelled after some collectors raised an eyebrow or two. Artissima claims the exhibition wasn’t intellectually rigorous enough in a statement published on Artforum, a rationale I never see museums or galleries offer up for cancellation let alone an art fair! [Triple Candie]
  • Occupy Museums starts tomorrow. I’m totally going. [Noah Fischer]
  • “The modern artist must invent new mediums, taking on new supports for his or her work.” Andrew Russeth paraphrasing Rosalind Krauss. Must. Read. [GalleristNY]
  • Hrag Vartanian reports on the latest wave of protests directed at the Sotheby’s Art Handler lock out. Sotheby’s needs to do the right thing already and pay their art handlers more money. [Hyperallergic]
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by Paul B. Davis on May 23, 2011
Thumbnail image for IMG MGMT: BACKUPZZ

This IMG MGMT essay takes hundreds of image files found on Paul’s backups (see if you can spot Dragan Espenschied and Cory Arcangel) and uses them to make fun of Lev Manovich, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, and art blogs.

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